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Isaiah 41:10 Revival Ministries UK - 1

Touching Heaven Changing Earth

Touching Heaven Changing Earth - Mission to India - July 2004

In July 2004 Pastor Dia Moodley was invited to Chennai India to host his first International Crusade and Pastor's and Leader's Conference.
It was Pastor Dia's first trip to India and it was made possible by the generous financial and prayer contribution of his church.
Pastor Dia never thought that he would be preaching in India but through God's divine intervention, a door was opened for him to go to India and host a crusade and conference.
Thousands attended nightly and during the crusade approx. 500 people accepted Jesus as their Saviour and many more were healed of physical conditions.
Amongst those who were healed was a lady who was healed of menstrual problem. She was on her way to the doctor and was walking past the crusade. She was healed on the roadside after hearing the preaching of the Word.
A Muslim man was healed of a leg condition and gave his heart to the Lord.
A lady who could not bend her knees ended up running after Pastor Dia had prayed for her. Probably one of the greatest miracles as well was that through this crusade local churches and denominations were able to come together for this crusade. It was something that had not been achieved before. We give God all the glory.

As result of the success of this crusade, the Lord instructed Pastor Dia to open an office in India and to continue to host crusades and conferences.

In August 2004, Revival Ministries India was opened to organize, set up and administrate all our crusades and conferences in India. The crusades are aimed at the unbeliever and the conferences are aimed at sharpening the believer.

Our next crusade in India is in December 2005 in Marina Beach Chennai. It is called the "Festival of Prosperity and Success." This will be a three day crusade.

Pastor Dia is believing for a minimum of 5000 souls over the three days of the crusade.

You can be a part of this awesome event.

We are looking for people to be a part of the team that travels to India in December 2005.

*We need people to be a part of the prayer and intercession team, counsellors, preparation and set up for the crusade, worship team, musicians, camera and audio work, etc.

*You can also help by contributing financially to this crusade. You can help us in erecting an altar for someone in India to be healed, delivered and set free.

Your seed is important and therefore we ask that you prayerfully consider sowing into this crusade. Call our office for more details or obtain our bank details from the covenant partner section of this website.

The City of Chennai (Madras)


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