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Isaiah 41:10 Revival Ministries UK - 1


Healed of Cancer

Healed of Cancer!
Watch this space as we share more with you over the next few weeks about an amazing miracle God performed in our church.
You will have a chance to read the personal testimony and view doctors reports. Our God is a miracle working God !

Watch this space

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Sister Margaret

The Joy of the Lord
I never knew what it was like to worship God in Spirit and in truth.
The time I spent in Revival Ministries has taught me to raise my hands, clap, sing and rejoice as I worship God.
Jesus is alive and I am glad that I encountered Him at this church.

Sister Margaret

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I have been set free!
I recently bought a series of tapes preached by Pastor Dia.
I was extremely blessed and encouraged with the message entitled, “Living in the face of Compromise”. In this message Pastor Dia outlined the real meaning of Christmas and how we, as Christians, have compromised over the years.
This spoke directly to me and my eyes have been opened and I do not feel the financial burden this Christmas.
I have been set free through the teaching and preaching !


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Ruth Larson

God is a faithful God !
He honours His Word as in Proverbs 3:9-10, “honour the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your increase. So shall your barns be filled be filled with plenty and your presses shall burst forth with new wine.”
At the end of November my car tax was due. I could not pay it so I prayed to God and wrote a cheque in faith that my heavenly Father will provide all my needs spiritually and financially. As everything is done according to God’s Word, the Sunday before I gladly gave God more. This “more” could have gone towards my car tax. But I trusted in God, I knew God is faithful to His Word.
The same week that I wrote the cheque, I was blessed with receiving exactly ten times the amount I gave to God. So to thank God for His goodness, I tithed a tenth again of what I had received and guess what? God returned to me a double portion.
Praise be to God !
Obey God’s Word and He will bless you indeed.

Ruth Larson

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Praise the Lord for His mighty awesome power because all things are possible with Him.

I had been a Christian for many years and part of a local traditional church. I attended the crusade Touching Heaven and Changing Earth with my mum who is member of Revival Ministries. I saw people being filled and baptised with the Holy Spirit and wanted nothing to do with that kind of church service. Little did I know that the Lord had a plan for me being at the crusade. On the second night of the crusade I found myself at the altar and when Pastor Dia prayed over I felt an amazing presence on me. I knew that I had been touched by the Holy Spirit like never before. I couldn't get enough I wanted more and came back for the last night of the crusade. Again the Lord touched me in an amazing way. My two daughters and I have since made Revival Ministries our home church.

Before joining Revival Ministries I had been experiencing a lot of problems with one of my daughters where she would throw severe tantrums regularly. My strong willed child would fight my will and I would often lose and end up in tears. I often asked the question, "why me?" We came to a point where we had to receive counselling from a professional counsellor over a period of a year. However the tantrums, the screaming, the slamming of doors still continued. The breakthrough for our family came at the crusade and I know that what counsellors have been trying to do with my child for a year, Jesus is doing in a few weeks. My family is being slowly transformed from the inside. I feel that my strength is being renewed and I feel confident that my feet are now firmly planted in the Lord and my eyes are on Him. The church continues to pray with me and together we commit my child to the Lord each day. Our home is no longer filled with memories of sadness but our home is now filled with joy, laughter and praises to our Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless each one who reads this and I pray He works through your life as well. He did it for me and I know that He can do it for you too!


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I came to know Jesus through the crusade, Touching Heaven Changing Earth. I went on the second night of the crusade and sat and watched all that was going on. It all seemed a bit strange and I thought that this was not for me. On the last night I found myself getting ready and going to the crusade again. Again I sat and watched as people were being prayed for at the altar call. Towards the end of the crusade when another altar call was made I responded and gave my heart to Jesus. There was a great shout of victory as everybody celebrated by new life with me. Since that day I have been attending Revival Ministries church services. My life is beginning to make more sense and relationships that I thought I had lost with my family are now being restored through my relationship with Jesus.

I recently asked Pastor Dia to pray for me at a Sunday service for a job that I wanted to apply for. Within two weeks I received the job that I wanted. I thank God for answering my prayers.


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Uma and Andy Munusamy

My husband and I came to know about Revival Ministries through a crusade that was held in our residential area. As we entered that hall in which the crusade was being held, my husband and I could sense the anointing and the power of God in the building and on Pastor Dia. A week before the crusade we had been praying for revival in our area and had no idea that God was leading this man and his ministry team to our area to have a crusade. We were blessed for the next three days of the crusade and thank God for the divine appointment of meeting this man of God and his team. Since the crusade both my husband and myself have had a tremendous turn around in our prayer life. We feel that there has been a deposit of the anointing upon our lives through this crusade. We give God all the praise, glory and honour for using Pastor Dia so powerfully and for Revival Ministries that has been so warm and friendly to us.

Uma and Andy Munusamy

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