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Isaiah 41:10 Revival Ministries UK - 1


"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matt 28:18-20

Taking the Gospel message out of the church into the community is a major part of the vision that God has given Revival Ministries UK. God has revealed to His servant Pastor Dia a crusade entitled Touching Heaven Changing Earth. This crusade as the name bears witness is to enable unbelievers and believers to touch heaven through powerful and dynamic spirit filled ministry and allow God to help them change things in their own lives here on earth. The crusades are fully funded by the faith of our church members and takes the amazing message of Jesus right to the doorstep of people in need. To take the message to people who have not even seen a bible in their lives. Two crusades have already been held and God's awesome power and anointing has been present in both with signs and wonders following. Many unbelievers have surrendered their lives to God through this crusade and others have for the first time experienced the power of the Holy Spirit upon their lives.

The evangelistic and prophetic anointing on Pastor Dia awards him the opportunity to communicate in areas where drugs, crime, prostitution and the chains of the devil have held people in bondage for years. Amazing altar calls with the thickness of God's presence have seen miraculous breakthrough in peoples lives, restoring marriages, families, health, jobs, finances and individual lives. An awesome anointing to set the captive free! The crusade runs over three nights and our entire church gets involved with support and attendance.

Southmead, February 2004

Southmead, February 2004

Southmead, February 2004
Southmead, February 2004
Southmead, February 2004
Southmead, February 2004

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Southmead, May 2002

Southmead Crusade Southmead Crusade Southmead Crusade
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Bradley Stoke, January 2002

Bradley Stoke Crusade Bradley Stoke Crusade Bradley Stoke Crusade Bradley Stoke Crusade Bradley Stoke Crusade
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